🌱 101 Things I Learned in Culinary School

Finished 2021-10-13

  • use salt to subdue bitter and sour tones
  • use salt to bring out sweetness
  • use sweet, cool, or creamy foods to counterpoint spicy foods
  • use crunchy foods with creamy foods
  • use crunchy with tart foods
  • use acidic foods to counterpoint fatty dishes
  • use acidic foods to counterpoint smoky flavors

To remove pesticides, bacteria, and dirt from the surface of smooth skinned vegetables and fruits, mix one part lemon juice or white or distilled vinegar to three parts tap water. Apply with a spray bottle and let sit for one minute. Rinse with cool water and dry completely before storing.

Proper frying takes place at 350-375 degrees f

Made by Brandon . If you find this project useful you can donate.