🪴 Blender Notes

Launch a new instance of blender app

/Applications/blender.app/Contents/MacOS/blender; exit;

youtube accounts


object instancing : alt + d + drag

invet selection : ctrl + I

Set Origin : Ctrl+Alt+Shift + C


Rendering tile size : CPU - 16x16 : GPU - 64x64 (256x256)

Samples : Samples can be less than 8 probably 1-3 (diffuse and glossy) Transparency can 4-8

Portals : Use portals for interiors turns area light into window to outside

Clamping : Kill fire-flies. Use only as a last resort

Caustics : Turn off caustics - usually cause fire flies

Use Adaptive subdivisions : less geometry in background

Remove Alpha transparency : tree leaves

Reduce strand count : grass, carpet, hair

Remove volumetric : turn off fog

Turn off subsurface scattering : light through skin

Enable MIS ((multiple important sampling) : In World panel > settings : Only relevant with HDR lighting


Shift + ctrl click to short circuit node ( node wrangler add-on)

IOR values : http://forums.cgsociety.org/archive/index.php?t-513458.html

Steam/Smoke : https://blender.stackexchange.com/questions/63782/how-to-achieve-vapor-or-steam-effect-with-smoke-sim

Clothing : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q06lPp2PNG4&feature=youtu.be

Add ons


https://blendermarket.com/ https://www.poliigon.com/ https://hdrihaven.com/

Shadows only https://blender.stackexchange.com/questions/6796/how-to-render-a-shadow-without-the-object-in-the-scene

Invisible Lights https://blender.stackexchange.com/questions/17910/how-to-make-a-cycles-light-emisson-object-invisible-to-the-camera

Transparent BG rendering - Can Blender render pngs with the background transparent? - Blender Stack Exchange


Pass command line args to python script

How to pass command line arguments to a Blender Python script? - Blender Stack Exchange How to pass command line arguments to a Blender Python script? - Blender Stack Exchange

BACKGROUND IMAGE on empty 3d view - How do I set a background image while I am editing? - Blender Stack Exchange

Made by Brandon . If you find this project useful you can donate.