🪴 Clean Code - Uncle Bob

My rough notes from watching this series on YouTube, 2020-07-13

We go slow because we make a mess.

We make a mess because we go fast.

Once the code works you have to clean it.

It’s not done when it works. It’s done when it’s right.


Variables greater the scope longer the name

Functions/classes Greater the scope the shorter the name

Noise words data info

Code reviews are very inefficient Pair programming is very efficient

Deployable (could be under featured) Stable productivity (don’t slow down over time)

Software -> changeable product

human beings improve things with time

Constance improvement Fearless competence Team behavior (cover for each other)

If you make an estimate you are lying.

  1. Best case
  2. Nominal Case
  3. Worst Case

Programming Sequence, selection, iteration

TDD Accountant keeping 2 sets of books that balance, this is an ethic and legal enforcement Make tests more specific Make production code more general

Your job is not to be fast.

I have two kinds of problems, the urgent and the important. The urgent are not important, and the important are never urgent.

  • Eisenhower

Boundaries are the essence of architecture

Dependancies flow one way across a boundary towards business rules

MVC was meant for small things (like a single button)

Good architecture allows major decisions to be deferred until the last possible moment

IO devices go behind a boundary (they don’t know about business rules)

Frameworks make the first months easy and the next years hard. You must commit to them they do not commit to you.

There is always a cost.

Often better to build than to buy.

Requirements should change.

Estimates !== promisses

Agile === 2 charts on the wall (velocity and burndown)

Agile does not make you go fast or slow.

Agile allows you to produce data.

Agile allows you to know how screwed you are.

Date is the first piece of data and is not moveable

Spec is never frozen

Design and Analysis are not booleans they are never ending.

User story 1 or 2 words, details come later

Iron Cross of project management

  1. Good
  2. Fast
  3. Cheap
  4. Done

Pick 3

Control Knobs of project mgt.

  • Schedule
  • Staff
  • Scope
  • Quality

Early is a good time to tell someone you will be late

Go fast by going well

Agile is for getting the bad news early

Scrum is a business facing project

Agile is a method for small teams to do small things

Relative estimations are better

A sprints job is to produce data

Velocity curve should be flat.

Pressure on the team will inflate the numbers

Anchor to an original card when grading stories

Done === acceptance tests pass (written by qa in an automated fashion)

Architecture, refactoring, and testing are like washing your hands you cannot ignore it. You cannot go faster if it is skipped

Most seniors should spend most of their time mentoring folks.

Teachers only have to stay one page, one day ahead.

Spike story - story to estimate another story of that can’t be estimated

Made by Brandon . If you find this project useful you can donate.