🌱 Google Analytics Filters and Views


I don’t recommend Google Analytics, but alas I have to deal with it at my day job.


  • Filters Do Not Apply Retroactively
  • If I apply a filter, will it apply to historical data or only to data collected after the filter was applied?
  • Google Analytics filters do not apply retroactively.
  • They only apply to data collected after the filter is applied.

Limitations of Filters

  • Filters are destructive
  • Filters require up to 24 hours to apply
  • Fields specified in a filter must exist and not be null
  • Filters are account-level obiects
  • Filters are applied after your data has been processed
  • Filter order does matter


  • Changes the way the data is reported, rather then changing the way it’s collected.
  • Applies retroactively.
  • Offers less functionality then filters.
  • A filter could be used for example to exclude own traffic and a segment to ad

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mqY0Ys2TojA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zWcgtnVfz1s&list=PLgr_8Hk8l4ZEl8A5rEgNzCZJtD8A3spjI

Made by Brandon . If you find this project useful you can donate.