🌱 How to Avoid a Climate Disaster

Finished audio book version on 2021-10-26.

These things need to work together to get to 0 emissions globally.

  1. Innovation
  2. Policy
  3. Markets

Calculate green premiums (how much more it cost for the 0 emission version of a thing) and work to reduce that so that the 0 emission version is the market choice.

We have to make the 0 emission version of tech the best option for people because population is growing and more folks are increasing their living situation which will consume more power. If we invest in this tech we will be able to sell this to countries as they modernize, allowing the US to profit and for the other countries to skip high emission based tech.

Liquid fuels and nuclear power are probably necessary to get to 0. These provide consistent power when wind and solar can’t or when batteries are too heavy.

Things you as an individual can do:

  1. vote for people who support climate change work
  2. install smart thermostat
  3. eat less meat
  4. buy electric cars
  5. install heatpumps
Made by Brandon . If you find this project useful you can donate.