🌱 KonMari

Seems silly but it kinda works:

  1. Commit ourself to tidying up all at once.
  2. Imagine our Ideal lifestyle to prevent relapse.
  3. Hold an item with both hands and ask yourself: “Does this spark joy?”
  4. Finish discarding before moving on. Neat does not equal decluttered.
  5. Organize by category, no by room. Example: Get all of your clothes in one place.
  6. Go in order: clothes, books, papers, miscellaneous (komono) sentimental.

Recycle paper and packaging. Donate books and unused items. Discard the rest


  • Fold your clothes like origami, don’t hang.
  • Stand folded clothes upright in drawers, rather than laying them flat.
  • Divide storage into square compartments using things like shoe boxes.
  • Designate a “home” for everything you keep, and return it after use.
Made by Brandon . If you find this project useful you can donate.