🌱 Markdown


Cheatsheet : https://github.com/adam-p/markdown-here/wiki/Markdown-Cheatsheet

Write in .txt file -> Save in Dropbox folder -> save_export_convert to specific format as needed


The beauty of markdown is that you don’t need any special app. The format will never go out of date. It is plain text. It is future proof.

Keep in mind markdown is simply how you write in a .txt file. It is plain text alone. You can convert the text file with apps or scripts. This lets you keep literally thousands of text files on your phone, email, dropbox account, etc with very little file size (this means it is easy to transfer and it is future proof). You can always copy and paste your markdown and drop it into an email or word or just print it.

You can used TextEdit & NotePad. Yes the free apps that come on every Mac and PC to write markdown.

Video Tutorial

Mac markdown apps

I am only listing this one because it is the best. You can export to a wordoc, pdf, html,txt

Windows markdown apps

Note I haven’t used a PC in years so some of these may be good some may be bad

Made by Brandon . If you find this project useful you can donate.