🌱 One approach to counter fascist


Not sure what I think about this so putting it here so I can study it more.

It has long been the universal expectation in anarchist and antifascist communities that you don’t debate fascists or engage with them publicly. You don’t validate outright monsters, you crush them. But also because it’s a wasteful trap that draws the worst kind of people:

The appropriate way to steel people against fascist ‘arguments’ is to cooly dissect them from a distance as one might expose the innards of a cancerous snake to a class.

The appropriate way to reach individual fascists is privately, one-on-one, very careful about info leakage.

You never ever ever share a stage with a fascist.

You don’t go on a podcast or stream with them, you don’t debate them on the BBC, you don’t have cozy DMs with them, you don’t go on a long thread arguing in public. You block them. You suffocate them with disdain.

You wouldn’t debate someone arguing that he should be allowed to rape & eat your toddler. Nationalists must be treated the same. What they propose is a moral abomination so unthinkable and transparently evil it would be repugnant & counterproductive to legitimize it with debate.

Anyone who rejects No Platforming and pretends to be an antifascist or even aligned with antifascists is a joke.

The very most essential and uncontroversial core of antifascist strategy is refusing to platform evil, refusing to legitimize anything related to it.

The appropriate way to steel people against fascist ‘arguments’ is to cooly dissect them from a distance

Made by Brandon . If you find this project useful you can donate.