🌱 Simple Anomaly Detection Using Plain SQL


Didn’t understand this in Jan but after going through Code with Mosh dev course now I do 2022-05-12

A sudden increase in 500 status code: You may have a problem in the server. Did you just push a new version? Is there an external service you’re using that started failing in unexpected ways? A sudden increase in 400 status code: You may have a problem in the client. Did you change some validation logic and forgot to update the client? Did you make a change and forgot to handle backward compatibility? A sudden increase in 404 status code: You may have an SEO problem. Did you move some pages and forgot to set up redirects? Is there some script kiddy running a scan on your site? A sudden increase in 200 status code: You either have some significant legit traffic coming in, or you are under a DOS attack. Either way, you probably want to check where it’s coming from.

Made by Brandon . If you find this project useful you can donate.