🌱 The Art of Not Taking Things Personally


Not sure how scientifically rigorous these points are but I plan to use it as a mental framework non the less.

When we encounter emotions and behaviours that don’t make sense to us, it’s often because we don’t have all the information

Overreaction is often a sign that something else might be going on that you aren’t aware of.

It takes ~90 seconds for negative emotions to dissipate.

anxiety comes from not seeing the full picture

Avoidance and anxiety are both ways of expressing insecurity

Advice is sometimes regret in disguise

Trust tends to break down when there’s an unspoken perception of the other side not taking responsibility for their behaviours

If you have doubt try to clarify what is important to you

prolonged selflessness often masks a sense of unworthiness

negative emotion is the result of an unmet need

few of us actually know how to put that need into words

Then listen carefully and stay curious

Did Ted Lasso write this?

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