🌱 Things you can try to do to so your kid's not a dick about other people's weight


We don’t pick our body sizes. We don’t really control our body sizes unless we’re living a really restrictive life. Diet and exercise will only impact your body size so much. As a kid, you shouldn’t be dieting or exercising to change your body.

I understand that folks have different body types, genes, support structures, etc and especially children should limit extreme diet and exercise regimens.

However in my experience I have seen myself swing 40+ lbs based on behavior (diet, exercise, sleep). I’v also seen friends and family members swing well over 100+ lbs based on those same things.

Seems that our behavior does have some influence on our body and teaching that our weight is pre-determined isn’t 100% honest either.

To me the message to kids(and others) is that every person is complex and we should not be too eager to deal out death and judgment to other folks without investing time into understanding the context of their situation.

Made by Brandon . If you find this project useful you can donate.