🌱 Using knowledge of using condoms to help people wear Masks


You can’t shame, guilt, or judge people into compliance. Does not work.

Don’t lie. Don’t pretend wearing it doesn’t suck.

Normalize it. Make wearing the default, the norm.

Be consistent with messaging. Schools, workplaces, government officials, health workers & movie stars all need to be saying the same thing.

Make them accessible. They should be free or at cost. They should be distributed in communities so wearing it is as easy as possible.

Teach people to keep one on their person, in their purse, car, by their front door, etc. Having one on hand greatly increases the likelihood it will be used.

Be honest, but not fear-based, about their risks of transmitting the virus without wearing one.

Help people learn the communication skills needed to talk to others they encounter who don’t want to wear one.

Target social marketing to different populations. A college student and a boomer will have very different reasons for non-compliance. Speak their language.

Improve their design to make them fit better and more comfortably.

Via Jill McDevitt

Made by Brandon . If you find this project useful you can donate.