🌱 Visualizing a codebase

Visualizing a codebase using a rendered diagram.

I used this for a while on several personal projects I like having it. I however did not like having an extra commit on every commit to pull down.

Steps it took me to get GitHub Action working

  1. Make file .github/workflows/create-diagram.yml
  2. Make images directory at root of project (to store generated image). You may need to add a temp file in the directory to get the folder into git.
  3. Add the following to create-diagram.yml
name: Create Diagram
  push: {}

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - uses: actions/checkout@master
      - uses: githubocto/repo-visualizer@0.5.0
          output_file: 'images/diagram.svg'
          excluded_paths: 'dist,node_modules'
  1. Add the following to README.md
![_Visualization of the codebase_](./images/diagram.svg)
Made by Brandon . If you find this project useful you can donate.