🌱 What we do when we see


most of the time, our perceptions construct reality without being fact-checked

Sensing is involuntary; sense-making is voluntary

we live in a reality over-saturated with signal

Sensing may be continual, but processing is limited

We must respond to today’s realities: people don’t want to read or study, they are lazy and in a hurry. They buy our product as investors, expecting a return on their money, time, and effort. They start as searchers, scrollers, flipping, looking for what might interest them. If they find it, they may turn into readers but they are always weighing the cost/benefit ratio: am I interested enough in this? If it looks too long they’ll say to hell with it I’ll come back to it later. If it is too skimpy they’ll scoff at it: I want more story. If it is too bland they won’t notice it. And it always has to be fast: where does it begin and where does it end, how much of it is there? Lookers (readers before they become committed to text) subconsciously weigh time and effort with their interest in the content…Most people examine a page or screen for, at most, 2.5 seconds before they turn it or click through, unless something intrigues them and they stop. It must be immediate, obvious, and need no analysis.

Most lookers never become readers

Every act of attention is an investment

Made by Brandon . If you find this project useful you can donate.